And neither should you, so long as you've got a steady stream of breakfast cereal coming into the house. Flatten out the wax-paper liners, snip off the seams, and you've got a perfectly usable piece of wax paper. The only real problem is taking the time to do it, and figuring out how to store it. One option: Wrap these sheets around the cardboard tube from an empty wax paper or plastic wrap box and secure with a rubber band. Or fold and store in a zip-loc bag or plastic container.
Another thing you can do with a cereal-box liner is subdivide it into sandwich bags. For two larger bags, simply cut the liner in half horizontally. The bottom half is then basically ready to go, needing only to be folded over and fastened at the top with a piece of tape. The top half needs tape to make a bottom seam.
To make four smaller bags, cut the larger bottom bag vertically along the seam, then reconstruct the missing side seams on both bags with tape. The top bags will need tape-constructed seams on two sides.
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