
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Infiltrating Hilfiger's army

So I've got these two Tommy Hilfiger long-sleeve T-shirts, hand-me-downs from my mom, and they're really comfortable and I like the colors and they don't actually say the designer's name anywhere except the inside label, which deluded me into accepting them in the first place. But I just can't seem to leave the house in this garb. Even if I just need to go to the post office, I invariably wind up changing my shirt first.

I suppose I should take them to Goodwill, so a bonafide member of Hilfiger's army can claim them. Yet they're so comfy, I can't quite give them up. For now, I've marked their demotion by moving them from one cube in my duct-taped, cardboard-box closet organizer to another. But if I get extra motivated, maybe I'll sew something funky over those Hilfiger stripes -- like the time I "recovered" a Vera Bradley purse I once got as a Christmas gift.

1 comment:

Tanya Isch Caylor said...

Some infiltrator I would be ... all this time I thought Tommy Hilfiger was Tommy Hilfinger, and spelled it that way in the original version of this post.